copyright 2010 Nancy Abel

Mercer Island Women’s Club

MIWC_Logo_White copyFriendship Starts Here

Save the Date:  Wednesday, May 7

MIWC Spring Luncheon & General Meeting, 11:30 – 2pm

Check MIWC eBlast for details!

Registration is Open for 2024/2025 Membership!

Registration forms are located on the Membership Page


The Mercer Island Women’s Club is a social and philanthropic organization that welcomes all women who are current residents of Mercer Island, Washington. Whether you are new to Mercer Island or a long-time resident, we invite you to participate. We are a club of women who are diverse in every way yet find common interests and bonds with lasting friendships.

MIWC is a self-supporting non-profit 501(c)7 organization with an elected volunteer leadership team to implement our purpose. Our purpose is:

To encourage friendship among the women of Mercer Island by providing a varied program of activities with a special emphasis on our Island newcomers.

We have over 30 activities to choose from and if you don’t see one that interests you, we welcome you to start one. We also have luncheons planned in addition to evening socials that include spouses and significant others.

Mercer Island Women’s Club (MIWC) stands in support of
condemning racism and discrimination

The MIWC bylaws state: “Any Mercer Island resident is eligible for membership.” The MIWC is committed to building an inclusive and respectful culture and welcomes any Mercer Island resident, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation/identification, and/or physical or mental challenges. Equity, inclusion, and diversity are foundational to our mission of providing quality connections, companionship, and friendship to our members.



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Friendships Start Here